Saturday, October 9, 2010

No Future, No Hope

I remember watching a show where some folks were hypnotized into believing that they either had no past or no future. Those with no past were able to function normally; they just didn't remember anything before the day of being hypnotized. However, those who had their future removed from them, immediately sank into depression. Their hope was gone, and so was their drive to accomplish anything.

In the Bible, Paul told us that 'evil communications corrupt good manners.' He was specifically referring to the heresy which states that there is no resurrection from the dead, and he logically explained how such a belief would lead to a corruption of right living.

Evil communications do corrupt good manners. In my opinion, the belief that the Lord Jesus could come back at any moment robs the believer of his future. I know, I've been there. I've sat in the pew and heard the sermons and songs tell me over and over that I have no certain future on this earth. I know young men who didn't go to college because, well, why bother? I myself have felt that way ~ Hopeless.

I personally don't hold to the very prevalent heresy which is known today as the imminent (i.e., could happen at any time) pre-tribulation rapture of the church. I used to, but then I spent over six months of intense research into both sides of this issue, and I came to the conclusion that it is not a biblical doctrine. Over the past five years, I have only become more convinced.

In order to be successful, you have to believe that you can set a goal, and that you have time to reach that goal.

What do you believe about your future?

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