The small epistle of 1st John was written to combat the heretical beliefs of Gnosticism that were creeping into the church. The primary belief of the Gnostics was that anything spirit was good, and anything physical was bad. For this reason, they chose to spiritualize the incarnation of Christ. God could not have come in the flesh since all flesh was bad, they reasoned.
Of course, this was all wrong. Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh, and by coming as he did, he showed that our physical bodies are acceptable to God. Didn't God himself say of his creation that it was 'good'? (see Genesis 1)
Now, let's take a look at financial success, prosperity and riches. There is a commonly held belief among Christians that we could call Financial Gnosticism. These financial Gnostics believe that poverty is always good, and wealth is always bad. Well, actually, they believe that wealth is okay. After all, Solomon, David, and Abraham were all extremely wealthy, not to mention Job, Joseph, etc. It's the pursuit of wealth that is wrong.
But is that biblical?
God tells us that we shouldn't labor to be rich. And if that is our only goal, then we're just being greedy. But what about laboring so that we can be financially free? so that we can leave an inheritance to our children's children? so that we can owe no man anything but to love one another? so that our joy can be full? so we don't have to worry about creditors any more?
No, financial success is not against God; if done correctly, it actually reveals the Father's heart in us. Our Father is very wealthy, isn't he?
And who can fault me for wanting to be like my Dad?
Of course, this was all wrong. Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh, and by coming as he did, he showed that our physical bodies are acceptable to God. Didn't God himself say of his creation that it was 'good'? (see Genesis 1)
Now, let's take a look at financial success, prosperity and riches. There is a commonly held belief among Christians that we could call Financial Gnosticism. These financial Gnostics believe that poverty is always good, and wealth is always bad. Well, actually, they believe that wealth is okay. After all, Solomon, David, and Abraham were all extremely wealthy, not to mention Job, Joseph, etc. It's the pursuit of wealth that is wrong.
But is that biblical?
God tells us that we shouldn't labor to be rich. And if that is our only goal, then we're just being greedy. But what about laboring so that we can be financially free? so that we can leave an inheritance to our children's children? so that we can owe no man anything but to love one another? so that our joy can be full? so we don't have to worry about creditors any more?
No, financial success is not against God; if done correctly, it actually reveals the Father's heart in us. Our Father is very wealthy, isn't he?
And who can fault me for wanting to be like my Dad?
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