In their book, they mention studies that include over 200,000 people in dozens of countries, one-on-one interviews, and focus groups. And with all this research, they have discovered what the Bible says: Render honor to the person who deserves it! (Rom. 13:7)
Did you know that if a manager is good at the basic managerial techniques - goal setting, communication, accountability, trust building - he is still missing his most important tool if he doesn't know how to show appreciation to his workers?
Managers believe that employees want good pay and job security first and foremost, but the studies have shown time and again that employees really want to be appreciated and kept informed. Without purposeful recognition, employees leave their jobs in search of new ones where they will be appreciated; this employee turnover costs American business over $5 TRILLION every year!
Almost 70% of employees say that they were not shown any measurable appreciation last year!
However, in companies that emphasize recognition, both employee and customer satisfaction increases, productivity increases, and profit increases .
"Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour."
It's a simple thing but it goes a long way toward affecting your bottom line.
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