Twice in Deuteronomy 28, we are told that we are the "head and not the tail."
This is a promise made by God to those of his people who have fulfilled the requirements of the Law. According to Matthew 5:17, the Lord Jesus fulfilled those requirements on our behalf. Ephesians 2 tells us that at one time, we Gentiles were "strangers from the covenants of promise" but now, in Christ, we are made "nigh." Because we are in Abraham's Seed, we are now partakers of the promises made to Abraham and to his children.
These promises of being the 'head" are for those of us who are in Christ.
Which begs the question, What does it mean to be the head? The head is the decision maker. The head is the leader. The head is above. The head is NOT the behind. It is not below. It is not a follower.
You heard me: The head leads, it doesn't follow. I believe that religion blinds our minds, binds our hands, and turns us into slaves, but true Christianity frees us. Religion turns us into followers. Christianity turns us into leaders.
We are kings after all.
I'm not saying that we should be rebellious. I'm not saying that we shouldn't follow orders. What I am saying is, STOP SITTING THERE LIKE A BUMP ON A LOG! You've been made free. You've been give the power to make choices, set courses, and lead men.
It's nice that you are a mild-mannered employee who never rocks the boat. It's wonderful that you follow every order to the 't.' But, you have been created to be MORE than that.
The choice is yours. Which will it be: Heads or tails?
What's your choice? Let me know!
This is a promise made by God to those of his people who have fulfilled the requirements of the Law. According to Matthew 5:17, the Lord Jesus fulfilled those requirements on our behalf. Ephesians 2 tells us that at one time, we Gentiles were "strangers from the covenants of promise" but now, in Christ, we are made "nigh." Because we are in Abraham's Seed, we are now partakers of the promises made to Abraham and to his children.
These promises of being the 'head" are for those of us who are in Christ.
Which begs the question, What does it mean to be the head? The head is the decision maker. The head is the leader. The head is above. The head is NOT the behind. It is not below. It is not a follower.
You heard me: The head leads, it doesn't follow. I believe that religion blinds our minds, binds our hands, and turns us into slaves, but true Christianity frees us. Religion turns us into followers. Christianity turns us into leaders.
We are kings after all.
I'm not saying that we should be rebellious. I'm not saying that we shouldn't follow orders. What I am saying is, STOP SITTING THERE LIKE A BUMP ON A LOG! You've been made free. You've been give the power to make choices, set courses, and lead men.
It's nice that you are a mild-mannered employee who never rocks the boat. It's wonderful that you follow every order to the 't.' But, you have been created to be MORE than that.
The choice is yours. Which will it be: Heads or tails?
What's your choice? Let me know!
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