Purple products are advertised through word of mouth. They don't require mass media blitzes. They don't need TV ads or magazine spreads. Consumers are obsessed with products that are purple, and their purple-ness spreads from neighbor to neighbor over backyard fences and around family barbecues.
The Kingdom of God is purple.
Well, that's not entirely correct. The Kingdom of God in its purest form is purple, but unfortunately, it is all too often presented as a stale, boring, and dry version of itself. Clothed in the suit and tie of religion, Christianity is seen as a list of rules and requirements, and not as the very LIFE of God flowing joyfully from the hearts of the redeemed.
"[T]he kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and JOY in the Holy Ghost." (Romans 14:17)
As Tony Campolo once wrote, "The Kingdom of God is a Party!" It's a celebration! It's contagious! It's heart-warming, life-giving, and you want to tell everyone you know! It bubbles forth like a fountain of living water. It can't be stopped! It's unique and irresistible!
In its original form, the Kingdom of God 'went viral' immediately after the Resurrection of Christ, and it hasn't stopped since!
Even its critics can't stop talking about it!
Even its critics can't stop talking about it!
True Christianity doesn't require its members to tell others about Jesus, and there are no demerits if you keep it to yourself. But why would you want to?
The Kingdom of God is remarkable ~ it's purple!
Have you discovered this wonderful, oh-so-purple life?