What does a person need to achieve their greatest dream? Is it intelligence? Is it passion? Is it a sense of duty?
We are only six verses into the book when the Lord God speaks to Joshua,
"Be strong and of a good courage."
This word is so important that the Lord repeats it to Joshua in the very next verse:
"Only be thou strong and very courageous" (v. 7)
And then after a few words of instruction, the Lord repeats it again,
"Be strong and of a good courage"(v. 9)
And, just in case Joshua was missing the point, the Lord adds,
"be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed" (v. 9)
The Lord does not say, Keep your guard up, study hard, or take your vitamins. He doesn't say, Get up early, dress for success, make friends and influence people. The Lord tells Joshua that the key to success is courage. Are you being courageous, or are you holding back?
For years, I was told that the key to success was mediating on God's word, as found in verse 8. But it's not. Success is found when we apply God's word, and that takes courage.
Dani Johnson, millionaire for Jesus, says that God will bless any business that glorifies his name. She speaks of Jesus, gives in Jesus' name, and glorifies Him every chance she gets. She is bold.
Are you?
My boss owns a roofing and siding company. We do a million dollars in sales every year, and we're growing. He also speaks of Jesus, prays with customers, and gives in Jesus' name every chance he gets. He barely graduated from high school and he has a past that should hold him back. But he's bold for God, and he is prospering.
Are you?
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